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Opening Movie with Another Application

You can launch an external application to open a movie file.
To open a movie file with an external application, select [Play with the associated application by double-clicking] in "Options/Preferences for the ViewNX-i Window" > "Open with Application" beforehand.
  1. Select a movie file.
  1. Double-click the thumbnail of the movie.
    The external application correlated by OS starts.
    You can also open a movie file using a specified application registered in advance in "Options/Preferences for the ViewNX-i Window" > "Open with Application". For details, refer to "Opening with Another Application".
    For playing a movie with ViewNX-i, refer to "Playing Movie".
To show movie files, [Movies Only] must be selected from the file format selection menu on the Filter bar. For details, refer to "Showing by Selecting File Format".