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Copying/Pasting XMP/IPTC Information

You can copy all XMP/IPTC information items and paste them to other images or applications. You can paste common contents to adjustment files of multiple images at one time.
  1. Select an image from which you want to copy the XMP/IPTC information, and then select [Copy IPTC Information] from the [Edit] menu.
    The XMP/IPTC information is copied to the clipboard.
    The "XMP/IPTC Information" is copied to the clipboard, with automatic line feed and tab alignment, and listed by item name and its value.
  1. Select the images to which you want to paste the XMP/IPTC information, and then select [Paste IPTC Information] from the [Edit] menu.
    The XMP/IPTC information on the clipboard is saved as an adjustment file.
Pasting XMP/IPTC information
  • If you perform pasting while the [Adjustments/Metadata] palette is displayed, the copied XMP/IPTC information is entered in each field of the full [XMP/IPTC Information] window. Click to save the XMP/IPTC information to the adjustment file of the selected image.
  • If the [Adjustments/Metadata] palette is not displayed, the [Confirm XMP/IPTC Information Change] screen appears. Select [Yes] to save the XMP/IPTC information to the adjustment file of the selected image.
  • Of the XMP/IPTC information, [Label] and [Rating] are not copied. XMP/IPTC information cannot be copied when you select multiple images.
  • If you paste XMP/IPTC information to images that have XMP/IPTC information in their adjustment files, the existing information will be overwritten with the pasted XMP/IPTC information.
  • XMP/IPTC information that was copied using Capture NX 2 or later cannot be pasted.