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Checking Image Information Details on the Map

You can show file information details, such as file name or metadata, in windows that pop up from on the map.
  1. Select a you want to check and click it again when the icon turns into .
    An information pop-up window is shown.
  1. Click the [Photo] or [Metadata] tab to switch the displayed information.
    • Clicking the [Photo] tab displays a reduced image and its file name.
    • When a movie file is selected, the first frame of the movie is displayed.
    • Clicking the [Metadata] tab displays metadata, including camera model, shooting date, etc., embedded in the image. Direction and point of interest (POI) information is also displayed if it has been recorded.
    • When a movie file is selected, the information that is displayed by clicking the [Metadata] tab differs from that of still images.
    • Clicking on the top right or scrolling the map closes the window.
Another available method
  • Select a file with location data in the Filmstrip and click the corresponding .
  • The detailed information window of the file pops up.
Hints for displaying information pop-up windows
  • Multiple files containing the same location data are shown as one  . Depending on the map display scale, files containing different location data are shown as one if the distance between shooting locations is close.
  • The detailed information window popped up by clicking shows or .
  • Click the buttons to display the detailed information of other files collectively indicated by one icon on the map.
  • In the case of sequences, the information pop-up window that is displayed by clicking on the map shows only the information of the key image.