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Reverting Adjusted Images

You can revert an image adjusted by ViewNX-i.

Reverting RAW images to the state when they were shot

  1. Select an adjusted RAW image, then click on the [Adjustments/Metadata] palette.
    The value of each item in [Adjustments] and metadata reverts to the state before adjustment.
  1. Click on the [Adjustments/Metadata] palette.
    The image is saved in its previous state before adjusted with ViewNX-i.
    After saving, it cannot be reverted back to the adjusted state.
Only RAW images (NEF, NRW) adjusted using ViewNX-i can be reverted back to the state when they were shot using this function.

Deleting adjustment files

  1. Select the adjusted image (JPEG, TIFF, NEF, NRW, MOV, MP4), then select [Revert to Last Saved State] in the [Edit] menu.
    The adjustment file associated with the selected image is deleted and the metadata and adjustment information become void.
  • Deleting adjustment files voids the editing performed with ViewNX-i or Capture NX-D.
  • The editing performed with ViewNX2 is saved to the image file instead of the adjustment file, so it remains even after the adjustment file is deleted.
  • After deleting the adjustment file, you cannot revert the image to the state when it was edited.