Importing Pictures
Pictures stored in the camera and smart device can be imported automatically or manually into albums in NX MobileAir. Pictures taken while the camera is connected to the smart device can also be imported automatically.
Pictures can be imported using either a wired or wireless connection.
- Pictures can be imported from the album list, gallery view, and single-frame view.
Importing Deleted Pictures
NX MobileAir will not re-import pictures that remain on the camera memory card after being deleted from the album.
- To re-import pictures that have been deleted from the album, select [App options], and enable [Re-import deleted pictures] before connecting the camera to the smart device (0App options).
- Regardless of the settings selected for [Re-import deleted pictures], deleted pictures will be re-imported on connection once 30 days have passed.
FTP Upload
By configuring upload settings in advance, imported pictures can be automatically uploaded to an FTP server (0Uploading Pictures via FTP Automatically).
Duplicate Pictures
Pictures with the same file name, file size, and date and time of recording are treated as duplicates. Duplicates of existing pictures will not be imported.
Dual-Slot Cameras
If the camera is equipped with two memory card slots, pictures will be imported from the card in Slot 1 (or primary slot) first, then from the card in Slot 2 (or secondary slot).
Importing Pictures from Within the Smart Device
Pictures saved in the smart device can also be imported into an album on NX MobileAir (0Importing Pictures from the Smart Device to an Album on NX MobileAir).
Pictures can be imported using either a wired or wireless connection.
- Pictures can be imported from the album list, gallery view, and single-frame view.
Importing Deleted Pictures
NX MobileAir will not re-import pictures that remain on the camera memory card after being deleted from the album.
- To re-import pictures that have been deleted from the album, select [App options], and enable [Re-import deleted pictures] before connecting the camera to the smart device (0App options).
- Regardless of the settings selected for [Re-import deleted pictures], deleted pictures will be re-imported on connection once 30 days have passed.
FTP Upload
By configuring upload settings in advance, imported pictures can be automatically uploaded to an FTP server (0Uploading Pictures via FTP Automatically).
Duplicate Pictures
Pictures with the same file name, file size, and date and time of recording are treated as duplicates. Duplicates of existing pictures will not be imported.
Dual-Slot Cameras
If the camera is equipped with two memory card slots, pictures will be imported from the card in Slot 1 (or primary slot) first, then from the card in Slot 2 (or secondary slot).
Importing Pictures from Within the Smart Device
Pictures saved in the smart device can also be imported into an album on NX MobileAir (0Importing Pictures from the Smart Device to an Album on NX MobileAir).